A New Resource For Amputees
Finally! The Active Amputee Podcast is finally up and running. This new monthly show from amputees for amputees is now available on iTunes, Spotify and or where ever you listen to your favorite
podcasts. The first three episodes are already available now while more are in the making and will be aired over the coming months.
Why You Should Listen To The New Show
The initial three episodes are about my journey to becoming an amputee. In episode one I talk about my initial cancer diagnose back in the mid 1980, about the months in the clinic and the chemo therapy until I was transitioning back into a normal life, starting my recovery and rebuilding trust in my body and my health again.
In episode two I let you in on my ways of being active again, despite a weak and often unreliable leg. I share some of my globetrotting adventurers until new leg-related trouble started to brew again. And in the third and final episode of this mini-series, I talk about my decision to have my leg amputated. About the rehabilitation and the start of a new chapter in my life.
From the next episode onwards the format of The Active Amputee Podcast will change. I will interview people, other amputees who have a story to tell. People from the industry who talk about new developments in the prosthetic sector. And representatives from a whole range of organisations that assist amputees to life an active and rewarding lifestyle. I think there is something for everybody. No matter if you are looking for inspiration, for information, or for encouragement to try out something new - this show is for you.
But don’t take my word for it, listen for yourself. Here is the link: http://theactiveamputee.buzzsprout.com/
I would love to hear from you. So listen to the show, and let me know what your think. Send me and email , leave a comment on iTunes or pop me a message on Instagram, Twitter and co.
Further Reading

Please meet Jasmin and Andreas
This week I have the pleasure to talk to Jasmin and Andreas. Both are above knee amputees. Both haven't been amputated for very long. Both have had a long odyssey before their amputation. And both are currently testing the revised Genium X3 by Ottobock. Today I would like to introduce them to you. And tomorrow we will hear more about their experiences. Read more

Hiking as an above knee amputee
I love being outdoors. Always have. And this love for being physically active in the great outdoors did not change when I became an amputee. Being out in the hills far away from any assistance if the need arises can be a scary thought. At the same time and if done right it can be an immensely rewarding experience that helps to develop new skills and increase confidence. Read more

The day that changed my life
My story started a while back when I was 15 years old. And although the cancer diagnosis from back then has little relevance for my life today, those days have had an immense impact on me - also in a positive way. Those days have shaped me and made me who I am today. From one day to the next my life changed completely. Suddenly nothing was as it used to be. Read more