A Lively Community, A New App, An Interesting Podcast
The Active Amputee aims to inspire, inform and engage people with a limb difference as well as their families, prosthetists, medical personal and people from the prosthetic industry. As you all know I am great believer in the power of communities and in the value of connecting people - both locally and in person as well as globally through the world wide web. And so I was very excited when I recently discovered something new. Something I would like to bring to your attention. This something is a new community called Prothesengemeinschaft (which roughly translates into Community of Prostheses - a word play which works far better in German than it does in English. But I guess you get what it’s all about!). The core piece of this new community is an app and the shakers and makers behind it run a weekly podcast.
What Does Prothesengemeinschaft Offer?
The group brings together people with limb differences, prosthetists, doctors, physiotherapists and representatives from the industry. It provides a platform for people to engage on all kinds of amputee-related topics, find inspiration, learn about the latest from the research and development front and get involved in a variety of special events.
Here is what the Prothesengemeinschaft says about itself.
- Together we rise and shine: Life with a prosthesis almost always starts with a setback, a life-changing event. Almost all amputees know this and have come this way. Together we share our experiences and support each other in our journey.
- Together we stand strong: A life with prostheses does not have to be a life with limitations. Together we exchange experiences, share tips and tricks and provide information on how you can enjoy your life to the full with a prosthesis.
- Together we move forward: The field of orthopaedics is constantly changing. Technical advances and innovations are regular news from the research and development departments. Together we want to use these innovations, shape our industry and enable people with a limb difference to live an amazing life.
The App And The Podcast
The app (the link is on the page from the Prothesengemeinschaft) facilitates a lively exchange among amputees and within the wider community. People ask concrete questions and get direct advice from others. People share their life hacks, organizations provide information about services special events and other amputee-related topics. The podcasts - a weekly show, running between 20 and 45 minutes - offers more in-depth information. In recent weeks it featured world class athlete, a travel agency focussing on traveling with a disability and various charities that support people after limb loss.
While I only installed the app a few days ago and only listened to two episodes so far, I think this is new service is worth checking out. Go, give it a try. And let me know what you think.
Further Reading

Choosing the right prosthesis
Most lower limb amputees know this problem: Finding the right prosthetic knee is not an easy task. For most of us it means working out the right compromise between our day to day needs, our spare time interests and our ambitions for the next couple of years on the one hand and our health insurance plan and financial means on the other hand. This in itself is already rather complex. Things get even more complicated if we take into account that even the best of knees can only unfold its full potential if mounted under a well-fitting socket, combined with a good foot that suits our activity level. Read more

Hiking as an above knee amputee
I love being outdoors. Always have. And this love for being physically active in the great outdoors did not change when I became an amputee. Being out in the hills far away from any assistance if the need arises can be a scary thought. At the same time and if done right it can be an immensely rewarding experience that helps to develop new skills and increase confidence. Read more

The day that changed my life
My story started a while back when I was 15 years old. And although the cancer diagnosis from back then has little relevance for my life today, those days have had an immense impact on me - also in a positive way. Those days have shaped me and made me who I am today. From one day to the next my life changed completely. Suddenly nothing was as it used to be. Read more