Podcasts For Amputees
As many of you already know: I am a huge fan of podcasts and audiobooks. While - way back when I was single and without kids - I used to work my way through tons of books each year, audio formats are now my favorite medium to stay informed about the world around me. Anything from political analysis to a thrilling crime story, from travel literature to tips and tricks for entrepreneurs . So it's great news for me that there is an ever-increasing number of high quality, very informative, pioneering shows out there. And most of them are completely free.
I guess many of you are also avid podcats listeners. And if you are not yet hooked, maybe you are willing to give it a try. Back in September 2018 I introduced you to some of my favorite shows of the time (if you missed the article back then, here is the link). Since then, more shows are up and running and I think it's time for an update on great podcasts for people with a limb difference.
So (drum roll please) here we go!
The Socket Podcast By Van Tucker From Solati
The Socket is a pretty new show. According to Van Tucker, the shaker and maker behind the podcast, it's all about improving the quality of life of amputees featuring conversations with the global amputee community. In every episode, he presents inspirational individuals and practitioners discussing stories, insight, health and wellness, latest innovations in the prosthetic field and much more. In recent weeks he featured Marsha Therese Danzig, talking about yoga for amputees and Brent Wright, talking about 3D printing and innovative techniques when it comes to the manufacturing process of prosthetic devices. If you want to learn more about this show, check out the Solati homepage here.
Missing Bits By Limbs4Life
Another great new addition is Missing Bits from Limbs4Life. The show was launched in October of 2019 and so far it has aired eleven episodes. In each show, the Limb4Life team chats with people from the wider limb-difference community, their families, prosthetic manufactures, and others who share their journeys. True to its mission, the organisation focusses to reach out to people in rural and remote areas especially in Australia who often don’t have the support that people in urban areas generally beenfit from. If you want to learn more about this show, check out the Limbs4Life homepage here.
The Active Amputee By Bjoern Eser
You guessed it: This is my shown and while it took me a while to get it up and running, the teething problems are all sorted out and from last month onwards you can expect a monthly show. I aim at an interesting mix of infomration, tips and tricks from me on the one hand and interviews with others from the global limb-difference community on the other hand. Recent episodes included an introduction of how to get into paraclimbing, the story of Malvika Iyer, a bomb-blast survivor turned disability rights activist and and interview with Josh Senior, an adaptive athlete from the UK who talks about his recovery agzer a freak acccident that almost cost him his life and let to the amputation of his right leg. If you want to learn more about my show, check it out here.
And while the current show is in English, there is a German version in the making. And while no launch date is set so far, I think we are looking roughly at September 2020. So watch this space.
Prothesentalk By Prothesengemeinschaft
Talking about a podcast for amputee in German. The folks from APT/Prothesentalk started a new show in late 2019. It's an amazing resource as they are currently whooping out the incredible amoountof one show per week. Most episodes are interviews with amputees, people from the industry, prosthetists, and others interested in limbloss-related issues. If you are able to understan German, make sure check this one out on the homepage of Die Prothesengemeinschaft (click here).
What's Your Favourite Podcast?
So much for my favourite podcasts. Know any other ones that are of interest to amputees? If yes, I would love to hear about them.

12 Amazing TED Talks
I am a great fan of podcasts. No matter if I am in my car to pick up the kids, in the kitchen preparing dinner or working out in the evening, I normally listen to podcasts. And among my favorite ones are TED talks. TED talks are such a great combination of brilliant info, inspirational journeys and though provoking daring big picture thinking. Here are twelve TED talks every amputee should listen to. Read more

The Only Newsletter You Need
There are great newsletter out there. But finding the right ones can be a tedious process. To make things easier for you, I had a look at a whole range of newsletters, assessed their content for relevance and quality of information, and then eliminated one after another from my list so that in the end there was only one newsletter left. So if you only sign up to one of these newsletters, you might want to check out the winner of my - admittedly very personal - selection process. Read more

Movoa - A New Community Platform
With Movao, there is now a new community platform where amputees and their families can connect locally and globally with like-minded people about similar interests and challenges. An amputation is a major event. Saying goodbye to a body part has a major impact, both physically and mentally. People have to find a way to reshape their life. Movao is a community where amputees come together to help each other, share experiences, and get inspiration. It focusses on making everyday things attainable, achieving personal goals, and growing as a community. Read more