Update From Stephen
Back in February of this year, I published an interview with Stephen Drew from South Africa. We talked about all things bike-related, especially about his dream to set out on an adventure of a lifetime: A bike packing tour from Namibia over more than 2,000 kilometres of back country roads through the wild outback of Southern Africa to his home in Knysna.
And after several months of planning, Stephen is on his way.
Windhoek To Knysna
Here is a message from Stephen from Stephen from end of September: "We fly to Johannesburg this Friday 29th then to Windhoek Namibia the next day. Start on 1 October. Have had a challenging time getting my new leg in time for the trip and only got the completed leg last Thursday. Have only tested on three shortish rides so far and unfortunately will only be able to really test on the trip which is not ideal but that is what I have got!"
A few days later, an update followed on Instagram: "A 2,100 kilometres bike packing cycle from Windhoek back to our homes in Knysna.
It is very appropriate, and I am privileged to attempt this journey with my friend Willy. He is the one who got me on a bike five weeks after amputation all those years ago. Who would have thought it would lead to this.
We left Windhoek on Sunday and after four days of wild camping, between Sesriem and Betta Willy, developed server diarrhea, which ended up being food poisoning. Luckily, we had passed a castle of some sort previously and decided to backtrack to recover.
It turned out to be Le Mirage resort and spa. What an incredible experience this has been. The staff are genuinely concerned, and there is nothing they will not do for us. The manager arranged for Reine from the clinic to drive out 25km from the local clinic to attend to Willy and give him a drip on site.
This morning, Willy has miraculously recoved and rest today and leave first light tomorrow. We have the hardest and most challenging section ahead to Aus.
I have been so privileged to have so many people help me through my journey. I thank you all"
Well, Stephen, from what I hear so far and if your postings on Instagram are anything to go by, things have been off to a rather challenging start.
"All the best from the whole The Active Amputee crew. Enjoy your time on the road, have your adventure of a lifetime, and stay safe."
Further Reading

Aurélie, the wheelchair using globetrotter
"For the first time, in April 2015, I travelled far away from France. For years, I wanted to discover other cultures. So when I finished my studies I didn't hesitate and bought a flight ticket to Japan. Three amazing weeks! During these vacations in the country of the rising sun I caught the travel bug and I realised this passion was about to become a central part of my life." That's how Aurélie's amazing story started back in 2015. Read more

The Enock Glidden Special
To kick this new series off, I am extremely happy to partner with one of the most inspirational people I have ever heard about. The always amazing Enock Glidden. Today, Enock will share his story with you. Tomorrow we will show a video about one of his most amazing feats. On Thursday it’s back to Enock and his reflections about team work and assistance before he talks more in general about the preparation it takes to take on big adventures on Friday.
But enough talk from me. Let me hand over to Enock. Read more

Healing power of nature
The days are getting longer, the summer is approaching quickly, and with it there are more and more opportunities to explore Mother Nature all around us and be outdoors and active. After weeks, months, years of Covid19-induced lockdowns and the long winter months, this is a welcome change for many of us. Good for the body, a treat for the soul. And - as we learn from Tiina today - people in Finland have a special word for this special bonding between people and the surrounding nature. Read more