Double Amputee Hari Budha Magar Conquers Mount Everest
In 2010, Hari Budha Magar lost both his legs above the knee, to an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Afghanistan. Determined to change perceptions of what is possible for people with a disability, he reached the summit of Mount Everest around 3pm (Nepal time) on 19th May 2023. Celebrating the first anniversary of this immense achievement, Hari sets his sight on the next big goal.
The Next Mission Is On The Horizon
But having reached the summit of the highest mountain in the world - and several other peaks all around the world - is not the end of Hari's climbing adventures. The next goal is set, the mission in clear: Hari wants to climb the Seven Summits, i.e. summitting the highest peak in each of the seven continents in order to create awareness about people with disabilities, what they can achieve, and by doing so inspire others to ‘climb their own mountains’, no matter what.
Hari is clear. He wants to change the perception how people with disabilities are seen in society. But he also wants to positively affect how people with disabilities perceive themselves.
"After I got injured, I thought my life was finished. I thought I have to sit in a wheelchair. I thought I would need a carer for the rest of my life. I would be imprisoned in a room or at home - like so many people with a disability around the world. This perception of what my life might look like was based on what I saw and what I heard when I was growing up as a child in Nepal. I didn’t know what I could do, despite the loss of my legs. I was convinced I couldn’t do anything anymore after my accident. I thought I was a burden to my family, to the whole world and perhaps, I did something wrong in my previous life. I didn’t think it was a life worth living. So instead of getting on with my life, I wasted nearly two precious years of my life because I wasn’t aware of what still would be possible despite my disability."
"Yes, we are living in 21st century. But there is still a lot of stigma when it comes to disabilities. In different parts of the world, people with a disability are perceived to be a burden to their families, to their communities, to their countries. They are perceived to be poor, miserable, worthless, unable to take care of themselves, or to contribute to their communities. Often, these stereotypes are internalized by us so that many people with disabilities see themselves this way. And this needs to change!"
"There are 1.3 billion people with disabilities on this planet. That’s about 15% of the world's population. That's a fact. We can’t be hidden under the carpet. We cannot be ignored. We need to talk about our role in society openly and without preconceived ideas. No one knows what happens to anyone of us at anytime in the future. It can happen to anyone. From one day to the next. Without prior warning. And without any fault of their own. I was able bodied until age 31. Then my life changed in the blink of an eye."
Climbing mountains is not going to be enough to change people's perceptions and create awareness. Not even conquering Mount Everest as a bi-lateral amputee. Hari is aware of that. He knows that more needs to happen. Much more. He is convinced that one important contribution to shifting perceptions for good is that many more people with a disability need to do whatever they love and talk about it. "I would like to see more people with disability in every sector: Sport, art, music, business, politics - to name just a few."
"We all have weakness; whether with a disability or without one. Our disability might be our weakness. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything. We are not poor, miserable, and live off social benefits. We can live a happy, successful, and meaningful life."
To further raise awareness and encourage other people with disabilities to be active, Hari is embarking on a new and exciting adventure. His sight is set on the Seven Summits.
"But this is not going to be possible on my own. I need your help and support. Just as I did to make it to the top of Mount Everest. If you are interested, please get in touch with me. Any support is highly appreciated. Thank you 🙏🏼!"
To support Hari, please visit his homepage and check out his LinkedIn account.

Post by Bjoern Eser. Bjoern is the founder of and. shaker and maker behind The Active Amputee. This article is based on the information provided by Hari Budha Magar's homepage, his LinkedIn account, and his Instagram page. To learn more about hair and his adventures and to support him, please check out these pages.
Further Reading

Accept, adapt, achieve
Life after amputation may feel like venturing into unknown territory. From learning how to move your new body to researching the costs of activity-specialized prosthetic arms & legs, it is daunting and frustrating to resume an active lifestyle after limb loss. In August 2021, I lost my left leg in an emergency above-knee amputation. I could not fathom what my life would look like post-op. In the hospital, I promised myself to take advantage of every opportunity I came across and to attempt activities outside my comfort zone. I needed to resume living, and for me, that meant returning to activities as soon as possible. "Accept, adapt, achieve" became my new motto. read more

Dealing with volume fluctuations
Here is a problem many active above knee amputees know all too well. A problem that is often overlooked as more and more attention is given to the newest developments around high-tech knees and other exciting advancements in the prosthetic sector. It’s the problem of a proper fit of the socket. It’s the key to using your prosthetic leg to its full potential. And how to deal with fluctuations in the volume of your residual limb - and thus with the fit of your socket. Read more

Cycling to regain my life
Today’s article is all about cycling and how it helped Stephen from South Africa’s wonderful Western Cape to come back after a tragic motorcycle accident. The idea for the interview arose during a chat with Jen from ClickMedical, who mentioned Stephen and his inspiring outdoor adventures and brokered the contact. „Thanks Jen I really appreciate these contacts!“ Here is my interview with Stephen. Enjoy! read more