Here you find a list of companies, organizations, and people I regularly work with as well as products and services I regularly use. All of them support The Active Amputee financially. In addition, we are in regular professional exchange.
Hier findest du eine Liste von Firmen, Organisationen und Personen, mit denen ich regelmäßig zusammenarbeite sowie eine Übersicht von Produkten und Dienstleistungen, die ich regelmäßig nutze. Alle hier vorgestellten Firmen unterstützen The Active Amputee finanziell. Zudem stehen wir in regelmäßigem fachlichen Austausch.
"Für uns stehen die Anwender*innen im Zentrum unseres Schaffens. In unseren Werkstätten in Köln und Leverkusen stellen wir höchst individuelle Bein- und Armprothesen her."
Weiterführende Artikel
Bodies Change - Now You Can Adjust!
Sockets built with RevoFit® adjust in order to promise the right fit — all day, everyday. RevoFit® is a kit that your provider builds into your socket so that you can control the fit and comfort with a twist of a dial.
Click Medical has tested adjustable socket designs on adults, teenagers, top athletes, stay-at-home moms, professionals, outdoorsmen, and veterans. Whether you are an arm, a leg, or a joint disarticulation patient, adjustable sockets can increase your comfort and control. Great for new amputees that will change limb size over time.
Take this quiz to find out if RevoFit® is right for you!
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Strategic partnerships and paid cooperations
This page is made by amputees. And it is made for amputees and their families. The Active Amputee wants to enable you to make informed decisions by providing unbiased information. The Active Amputee wants to inspire action through the sharing of stories. And the Active Amputee wants to build a community of active amputees by encouraging engagement and mutual support. Nothing more, nothing less. It‘s as easy and simple as that.
The people involved in The Active Amputee love to hear from you. Give us feedback about this page, send in your stories so that we can share them with others, let us know about events that are of interest for amputees, suggest topics you would like to read more about, ask questions. Really, anything that relates to amputee issues is of interest for The Active Amputee and could be featured on this side. Here is the contact form.